Adore You

I don't need anyone else, for me it's only you. I don't even know why i used to think like that. I need to move on. Until i realize that even i've been trying to loved someone else, i just thought of you. What kind of magic do you have that make me feel this way?

My lips, are cold as can be, are even more blue. I cry out to find your warmth.

And when you tell me you love me thousands and millions of times, i feel i could be with you as ling as i'm exist and you were there. But now i can't. I just realize that you were my lover, but it all messed up. We can't like we were one.

I still trying to act like we were nothing. I guess it working. Now even i've liked some else, i can't deny that i adore you so much. I used to hope that we can be together but now i'm not. I can set you free and setting my self free. Free from all the things that torment me. But i can't resist that i always loving you. You are my first love. Thanks for all the kindness that you gave me.

Adore You.

Dearest My Beloved Math Teacher Like A Father I've Always Dream Of

First of all, lagi-lagi gue menghancurkan blog gue. Gue emang ga bakat ngurs blog. Tapi gue bocen kalo ga blogging jadi gue bikin aja lagi hahaha.

Like this title post, i want to thanks to my Junior High Math teacher. Dia bener-bener kaya bokap yang selama ini gue idam-idamkan. Dia termasuk guru matematika paling terfavorit di SMP 161. Dari cara ngajarnya yang selalu bukin kita ketawa sampe terbahak, cara dia ketawa geli, dari cara dia ngajar yang ngga milih-milih anak yang terlihat pinter atau ngga.

Gue, Ikha, Salma, sama Lina les sama dia dari kita kelas IX. Waktu kelas IX ada si kembar Erna-Erni tapi sekarang meraka udah ga ikutan lagi. This teacher know taht i love my ex-boyfriend badly. Dia selalu ngasih saran jangan sampe gue sakit hari gara-gara dia, gimana caranya ngelupain dia, sampe gimana caranya nge ikhlasin dia.

Hari senen kemaren gue les sama dia. Selesai les gue solat ashar jamaah sama dia. Ika Hilda Salma lagi makan bakso jadi ga ikutan jamaah --". Abis solat, dia nanyain gimana perasaan gue sama my ex- itu. Gue jawab, "Udah ngga, Pak. Udah nemu yang lebih baik hahaha". Abis ketawa dia bialng sama gue buat ngga lupa sama pengalaman gue yang kemaren. Jangan sampe pelajaran gue jadi ancur cuma gara-gara dia. Gue juga jadi sempet cerita soal kondisi keluarga gue dan dia bilang gue orang yang cukup tegar untuk ukuran yang keliatan masih bocah. Semua advice dia bakal selalu gue pegang sampe kapan pun. Abis bicara sama dia gue bisa tenang dan selalu siap buat move on. I'm still young and a have a dream that i want to make it come in true.

Dearest My Beloved Teacher, Thank You. You know i love you like i love my parents :)